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MoTion Control Weld - For fine plates and additive production

MoTion Control Weld is particularly suitable for fine plate applications and applications in the lowest capacity ranges. The welding process provides advantages everywhere where special demands to weld surface and appearance are made. MoTion Control Weld is a combination of the proven CLOOS Control Weld process and reversing wire. In the process, the wire is drawn back and forward at a frequency of up to 180 Hz which results in an extremely high process stability to the lowest capacity range. You avoid extensive reworks due to the minimised formation of spatters and powder residues. Due to these characteristics MoTion Weld is particularly suitable for applications in the additive production. Do you look for a stable process for excellent welds in fine-plate application or for additive applications? Then rely on MoTion Control Weld by CLOOS!

  • Maximum process stability due to reversing wire
  • Reduced rework because of minimised formation of spatters and power residues
  • Excellent weld quality due to precise heat control
  • Efficient welding production because of an up to 40 % higher welding speed
  • Steel
  • Chrome-nickel
  • Coated plates
  • Corner and flange welds
  • MIG brazing
  • Surfacing
  • Thin plates up to 3 mm thickness
  • Additive production
  • All welding positions
Process video
Process video

MoTion Control Weld in action

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Your contact partner
Ann-Christin Josten
Phone: +49 (0)2773/85-459

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CLOOS process brochure
CLOOS process brochure
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