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AKP Otomotiv San. Tic, Ltd. Sti.


AKP Otomotiv welds aluminium tanks with CLOOS robots 

The Turkish company AKP Otomotiv relies on “Made in Germany” quality when welding aluminium tanks for HGVs. The two-station robot machine of Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH – fitted with the most modern welding technology – guarantees optimum welding results and maximum efficiency. The QIROX QRC 350 robot welder is mounted overhead on a C-shaped frame. This position allows the robot better access to the workpiece. The C-frame is mounted on a floor-mounted linear track so that the robot can be moved horizontally and flexibly between the two stations. The CST Flex D laser online sensor carries out corrections immediately thus ensuring optimum welding results.
AKP Otomotiv San. Tic, Ltd. Sti.