At the beginning of November, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) best honours 2023 took place - two of our outstanding trainees were awarded the top grade 1 for their excellent performance in the final examination!
Congratulations to Jonathan Taxer, who earned the title of best mechatronics technician (summer 23 apprentice), and to Marius Weber, who was honoured as best industrial mechanic (winter 22/23 apprentice)! The hard work, ambition and commitment have truly paid off. This award is not only a recognition of their outstanding achievements, but also an inspiration to all other apprentices who are on their own journey. They are a living example of how great things can be achieved with dedication and perseverance.
A big thank you to the entire team for helping to make these successes possible. We are proud of our talented and committed employees who are shaping our future!
Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH
Carl-Cloos-Strasse 1, 35708 Haiger
Stefanie Nüchtern-Baumhoff
Tel. +49 (0)2773 85-478
E-Mail: stefanie.nuechtern@cloos.de