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H+G Entsorgungssysteme


QIROX robot welds machine housings at H&G

For many decades Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH in Haiger and H&G Entsorgungssysteme GmbH in Burbach have maintained a trustful cooperation. The heart of the new CLOOS system for automated welding of screw compactors and machine housings for waste disposal systems is a 6-axes QIROX QRC-410 welding robot. The robot is mounted on a rotating vertical stroke and has a tactile arc sensor. The system consists of two stations which are equipped with a 1.5 ton workpiece positioner each. In one station the machine housings are welded, the screw compactors are welded in the other station. The new CLOOS robot system optimises the efficiency and the quality quality of the welding production.

H+G Entsorgungssysteme